Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Moving Forward

Hi all,
Who knows if and when anyone will continue reading this blog since we have concluded our journey in Barcelona...but if you are following, I, Beth, want to personally thank you for walking with us as we lived, learned and returned from Barcelona. The journey was an amazing one and I am sure you will be hearing stories for weeks and months to come as we process the way God provided for us.

As for me, I have learned that writing is something I enjoy doing, and apparently other people enjoy reading. So, if you happen to be one of them, I will make a shameless plug for my new addition...my own personal blog. I highlight personal simply because it doesn't center around missions...it's merely, just me...living. If you're interested, you can go here:


So, thats me. And it looks like that's the end...

Thanks again for walking with us, praying for us, and being here to receive us in the end.

For all of you HDC'rs who are still out there...we are with you...and will be there to receive you when you return from your adventures...

Until then,

2 Thessalonians 3:16

1 comment:

Laurie M said...

Blessings to you as you "just keep climbing"!!
